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Some of the stories are horrific and may contain graphic images, so look with CAUTION. 

Malpractice Diaries came about when NMMAA found that many who were harmed by medical negligence could not have their day in court. Their stories are real and they were hurting deep inside for no one wanted to listen.

NMMAA decided that we would give these individuals, these families a chance to tell what happened to the, how they were told they were responsible for their own injuries, and how the very community we were told to trust, was the very ones that hurt them. 

There stories are heart wrenching, BUT TRUE!

Doctor who took my daughter's life
Cancel the Cap: Legislative bill to help Virginia medical malpractice victims receive full justice

Cancel the Cap: Legislative bill to help Virginia medical malpractice victims receive full justice

Attorney Joseph Cammarata is spearheading efforts to change Virginia law to hold medical wrongdoers fully accountable for the harms and losses they cause victims of their negligence. Cancel the Cap is a proposed bill (SB 1107) to eliminate the cap on the recovery of damages in actions against Virginia health care providers for medical malpractice. Nancy’s Story: In 2015, Nancy underwent routine lower back surgery in an effort to cure her chronic back pain. The surgeon was to remove a lower back disc and fuse the surrounding vertebrae. During the surgery, the neurosurgeon caused his surgical instrument to go too deep into the disc space and he cut Nancy’s common iliac artery in her stomach. As a result, Nancy was not able to get oxygen to her brain for approximately 23 minutes. Although Nancy was revived, she was brought back to a life of total dependence; loss of function; and cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dysfunction requiring 24-hour care. At trial, the jury was presented with evidence of Nancy’s permanent condition and of a plan which detailed Nancy’s lifetime needs. The cost of those lifetime needs, with 24-hour homecare, was approximately $7.5 million. Nancy’s other economic losses totaled approximately $1.8 million. The neurosurgeon and his insurance company did not contest the permanency of Nancy’s condition or her total economic losses of $9.3 million. The jury returned a verdict in favor of Nancy and against the neurosurgeon in the amount of $35,620,902. Unfortunately, due to the current law, which limits the amount a victim of medical malpractice can recover, Nancy’s recovery was limited to only $2.2 million. In a special edition of Medical Malpractice Diaries, Mr. Cammarata discusses the bipartisan legislative initiative with host Deirdre Dickson-Gilbert of the National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association. Current Virginia law places a cap, or limit, on the amount of money medical malpractice victims can recover, regardless of the harms and losses they suffer. Cancel the Cap (SB 1107) amends and reenacts § 8.01-581.15 of the Code of Virginia, relating to the limitation on recovery in certain medical malpractice actions. Nancy will not benefit from the legislation, but its passing will allow future medical malpractice victims in Virginia to receive full justice. The bill has bipartisan support from chief patron State Sen. Bill Stanley (R-District 20) and co-patron State Sen. Scott Surovell (D-District 36). SB 1107 will: Allow seriously injured Virginians to be fairly and fully compensated for harm caused by the wrongdoer. Ensure Virginia taxpayers don’t have to foot the bill for malpractice. Reduce the burden on an exploding public health insurance system. End the current law’s protection of medical providers from full accountability for the harm they cause victims of their negligence. Eliminate placing arbitrary values on human life. The current cap: Favors insurance companies at the expense of victims. Shifts the burden of caring for the victims to taxpayers. Disproportionately negatively impacts persons of lower socio-economic means. Results in more cases going to trial, which clogs an overburdened court system. Provides no incentive for insurance companies to settle since they know their risk of loss is contained and controlled. Forces victims to expend considerable resources to go to trial, which diminishes the amount of money they will have available to pay for future care. Is unfair and unjust. If two people are injured the same way and suffer the same harm – one injured from medical negligence and the other not – the medical negligence victim should not get less for the same harm. Learn more: Visit Contact your legislator at Email Follow #cancelthecapva on social media
A Nightmare in Healthcare
NMMAA & Malpractice Diaries Post-Screening Panel: Drug Safety & Legal Advocacy

NMMAA & Malpractice Diaries Post-Screening Panel: Drug Safety & Legal Advocacy

This event was hosted by The National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association (NMMAA) & Malpractice Diaries. The National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association (NMMAA) was founded in 2013 by a group of everyday people who personally were victims, or knew someone who was a victim, of medical malpractice. The NMMAA dedicates itself as a national network to end medical malpractice through partnerships with local and national organizations across America. To learn more about The National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association (NMMAA) visit: To learn more about Malpractice Diaries visit: *** Deirdre Gilbert, founder/national director of NMMAA, moderated this panel discussion. Deirdre's journey began with the struggle for justice for her daughter who succumbed to medical negligence. NMMAA, a non-partisan educational organization, was created to promote transparency, integrity in the medical profession, and accountability. Panelists: Kim Witczak, Drug Safety Advocate. Kim co-founded Woodymatters, a non-profit dedicated to advocating for a stronger FDA and drug safety system.  She co-created and organized the international, multi-disciplinary conference  Selling Sickness: People Before Profits  conference in Washington, D.C.  In 2016, she was appointed Consumer Representative on the FDA Psychopharmacologic Drug Advisory Committee and is on the Board of Directors of National Physicians Alliance and MISSD (Medication Induced Suicide Prevention in Memory of Stewart Dolin.)  She is an active member of the DC-based Patient, Consumer, and Public Health Coalition making sure the voice of non-conflicted patients and consumers is represented in healthcare/FDA related legislative issues. Michael L. Baum is the senior managing partner of Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman. He has successfully led the firm through thousands of wrongful death and personal injury cases stemming from major pharmaceutical drug catastrophes, harmful consumer products, and commercial transportation mass disasters. Angela Peacock, MSW, former Army Sergeant and subject of the film *** Books and websites mentioned in this discussion: The Withdrawal Project & The Inner Compass Initiative The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and Addiction” by Joseph Glenmullen M.D. Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John J. Ratey MD



Monday-Friday:  8:00am-5:00pm

Saturday-Sunday: Closed


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